draco takes care of sick hermione fanfiction

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Follow their journey to see them find their own wonderland in the midst of the very war. Heavily AU-world, but it certainly has Hermione taking care of injured Draco. She picked him up and held him, hoping to calm the screaming toddler. La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. Your email address will not be published. Draco has never properly loved before. Language: English Words: 31,229 Chapters: 15 /? Harry knows he's not a genius with endless, calm calculations to end the reign of a monster. I think Teddy calls Hermione "Mine" and Draco's his favourite person. Uniemoliwia mu wykonanie zadania od Czarnego Pana.Pniej obaj za to pac. It is not a great fic, though. He felt himself falling, as he was released from the curse. As a matter of fact . Lord Voldemort dies after going after the Potters on that Samhain leaving just Harry alive. He grumbled in responses, he just wanted to be left alone and sleep. A Picardy third is ending a piece on a major chord instead of the minor everyone expects. A shorter Dramionic fanfic, Until the Ink Runs Dry is also one of the most unique stories Ive read. The Burrow is a shell of what it once was.The fallout following the war as seen through the eyes of Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley. Hermione is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, where she constantly is searching for ways that she could help the Order. Its an incredibly well-written story that will tug at your heartstrings and keep you guessing with plot twists and dire situations. Todo cambia cuando Harry es enviado a la mansin Malfoy para fungir como enfermero para Draco Malfoy. Hermione indulges in self-destructive behaviour until she becomes pregnant with Draco's baby. We've all read Severitus and Sev adopting Harry, now get ready for (drum roll) Sev raises the son of Sirius Black! A potions accident leaves Draco Malfoy a toddler, and due Draco being stubborn, Harry Potter is left to take care of him. On the anniversary of the battle at Hogwarts, Draco is struggling with guilt relating to his Dark Mark and attempts to remove it, which is when Harry finds him. This brings so many fights between the Weasley matriarch the 2 youngest Weasleys, Hermione and Harry. Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, 10 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfics to Check Out in 2022, The Best Adult Fanfiction to Read in 2022, 10 Popular When Calls the Heart Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. The consequences of which change Hermione Granger's life forever and set Draco on the path of fulfilling a family tradition during their 8th year. He knows full well what will happen to him once his father returnsBut after all he deserves it, doesn't he? Draco is there to pick up the pieces and put him back together. It is told completely from Hermiones point of view, so we get to see her thoughts and frustrations play out. Always touching and holding her throat and being possessive AF *sweats* 100/99 All You Wantby Senlinyu: Approach with caution, read only if you're an extremely horny person. As events contrive to draw them together, can they help each other move forward? She drank her potions and she immediately felt drowsy again. This story is Harry Potter meets Jane Austen. One might think that the sentence is rather weak but, for Draco, it is a pure nightmare, he finds himself locked up in a mansion that brings back bad memories with a mother who hates him. EDITING AND REVIEWING SOME PARTS. Because of the many deaths in the magical world, Voldemort enacts a re-population effort. We used https://novelai.net/ to generate the AI art in this post but in some of the others we have used Midjourney. On it, she rates the Dramione fanfiction that she has read, and its a very extensive list! This time, Hermione's hand was the only one in the air. Then, Hermione -and a few others, set Draco on him and things start developing in a direction neither really expected. You can get paid to write for us! He visits Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament, and meets Hermione for the first time. Draco exclaimed waking Emily. This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. Il mio corpo respira,Il mio cuore batte,Ma io non sono pi vivo. His friends are worried, his teachers are worried, even Draco gets worried. waiting for the next chapter to that, i think ive read that first one but honestly i cant remember because it could very well be another fic with a similar title so itll be a great re-read if i have lol, If you liked Draconian, Nightmares and Nocturnes by Olivieblake has really similar vibes: https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/17791060?view_adult=true, a slow cruel descent series by senlinyu. Ginny and Harry's lips separated, started the looked up at the intruders. for once I had not planned on that yet it still happed it seems. Dumbledore wants Snape to marry Rhea(Female Harry) and he agrees without any fight. Aurors Draco and Harry are sent out on a mission together and find themselves in a hotel which only has a room with one bed left.They take it and Draco is pissy the whole time, but the night takes several turns. She comes to find that there's a mess that's been left for her to clean up, that she must place the puzzles between. Albus Potter can no longer wait, he wants to go to Hogwarts as soon as possible, but things don't go as planned. Hermiones a hot mess. Draco is now all grown up and also a father. "Sweet Merlin - get Pomfrey!". For years, they dont cross paths, until one day when Draco sees Hermione walk in. Harry and Draco are partners in Potion class and while making a baby potion Harry bumps into the table by accident..what happens next?.. The horrors of the war behind her, Hermione thinks nothing will stop herfrom pursuing her education. Somehow, Draco gets put on an assignment that makes him Hermiones protector. On the first anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger decides to take up baking. Ugh there was this really good one where she was sick and Ron and Harry were looking after her, it was HermionexHarry but I can't remember the mame. So be aware of this when reading the story! Don't subscribe Draco had been called away to travel up country and help with the lack of staff at a hospital in Scotland, meaning that he would be away from Hermione and the children for a few weeks. He's also perhaps the only one able to protect his estranged family. This story is the first part of the Disappearances of Draco Malfoy series, though its the only one Ive read in the series. Now fifteen years in the future Draco is a New York City based artist, and Grangeran enigma that changes everything. If you search this tag on Archive of Our Own, youll see countless Dramione fanfics. "Sir, I would think that the antidote would restore him to normal mentality, but as for his body, he will take about a week to 'grow up' again." "Right you are," Dumbledore agreed. Why isn't he safe with his best friends? Hermione Granger has returned to Hogwarts with a dreaded feeling she just can't shake. He began to try again as he turned to scour the room, when he finally caught sight of Draco. Will he find what he is looking for? Harry Potter | Draco Malfoy | Fantasy Romance George Hermione Ron Weasley Fred Granger Draco Malfoy Rewritten. "Hermione! Therefore, Harry explores as much as he likes and makes a few discoveries along the way. They thought being called liars and having detentions with Umbridge was the worse they would need to deal with, but fate had different plans. LadyKenz is a stellar writer and I recommend them. She ran over to him and wrapped him in his completely over-sized robes. Her last pastry mission: the Malfoys. The enemies-to-lovers trope is a fun romance trope, and Dramione fanfiction pretty much automatically gives it to you! Once more, there was no response. The kissed passionately, as passionately as they had before Harry was sick. This is going to be strictly a father and son bond between the two. It bothers her, making her frustrated. Rhea wants to know why he wants to marry her. Secrets and sex mingle with art and seduction, causing hidden emotions to erupt and buried pasts threaten to destroy it all. Both Harry and Ron shun her and ignore the child. It is a great story, but be aware of its slow pace. And if Harry Potter discovers the dark truth, their lives will change forever. Read this story to see how Draco became a baby. Hermione is a healer who winds up on a work assignment that puts her in close proximity to the Malfoys. If you are trans please know we all love you. And in the tower of frost and Iron the child of prophecy makes a bond not even death can sever and would last lifetimes. Youll know what I mean when you come across these moments in the fanfic. Draco and Hermione had it all, but he kept a secret from her to protect her. oh and manacled is one of the first fics i ever read and thought i was such a bittersweet ,but beautifully written story. At least his boyfriend is there to help. This story takes place several years after the time at Hogwarts and pretty much fits in seamlessly with the Harry Potter canon. Harry can't just stop wanting to hold baby Draco.). Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy start seeing one another behind their friends' backs and this obviously backfires. And at a perfectly normal house in a perfectly normal neighborhood in Surrey slept a perfectly normal husband and wife and their perfectly normal son. Draco is cursed in the battle of Hogwarts with unhealable injuries all over his body. After the war, Harry and Draco are both struggling. The past that consumed his peaceful sleep and replaced it with fitful unrest and visions of terror. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Your email address will not be published. But Galleons are scarce and she strugglesto pay her tuition. Also, while not precisely what youre asking for, maybe check out what you think is right. This story is the first part of the Apple Pies and Other Amends Universe series. Or, as the put-out Potions Master rather more suspects, because a witch with no such idealistic aspirations happened to be having a particularly bad day when she by chance met the Boy Who Lived. Part 1 of Amazing Love: The Alternate Life Language: English Words: 82,481 Chapters: 80 /? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A few have Fred and George in focus, others have the politics of heirship and tradition, and some have a magic goddess and take a deep dive into the magic and its history. Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been working together for a while when they accidentally blow up their lifes work. i just found some new fics to read i was just wondering what ai you used to generate your images if you dont mind me asking? Also, note that there are a lot of explicit smut-focused Dramione fanfics out there, but this list is relatively tame. Learn how your comment data is processed. It's Hermione's eighth and final year at Hogwarts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Hell Hath No Fury Than A Protective Boyfriend Scorned, After All. James and Sirius exclaimed while Remus's mouth gaped. My vision went black, I could feel my heart beating through my chest. Hermione and Draco have graduated Hogwarts and are ready to step out into the real world, together. Some of my favorites are Potions, Perfume, and Apples, Les Pelerins, and the An Unlikely Series! one of my faves because i binged the entire series in a span of one weekend lol, Breathe by Argosy https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3445247/1/, A Slow Cruel Descent by SenLinYu https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12892648/1/ and the sequel (read both): A Fragile Ascent by SenLinYu https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12975709/1/. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Life offers up these moments of joy despite everything, Draco is alpha daddy5000 9999.999999/10000 Trashy plot but entertaining nonetheless. Break for Me by Ada_P_Rix. Nine years later, Snape returns but with two surprises that shock everyone, including his ex. I hope this article has helped you find some great Draco Hermione romance fanfiction! Now fifteen years in the future Draco is a New York City based artist, and Grangeran enigma that changes everything. On the night of his seventeenth birthday Harry starts having dreams of Lucius Malfoy's life, they are memories that Lucius has really. The story is a true slow burn with a lot of anticipation building throughout! WIP. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (30), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom & Draco Malfoy Friendship, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Friendship. The dynamic is present nevertheless, and it is well-written with a solid structure and plot. As the story goes on and they bake treats together, you see their unlikely romance grow in the sweetest way (pun intended!). The ministry still denies about the return of Voldemort after their fifth year and instead pushes a marriage law which states that every witch and wizard should get married before they start their sixth year at Hogwarts and if failed then the ministry will choose your partner. Hermione falls asleep in the library way too often and just wants to avoid Draco Malfoy. Post-war AU where good triumphs over evil but corruption is still rampant. Esteemed Minister of Magic, Harry Potter, makes daily visits to Azkaban in order to punish a very important prisoner. Juggling their separate careers, their joint business ventures and their personal lives will be exciting and fun. When Harry adopts a baby only days before Christmas, he feels overwhelmed. It has explicit content, but the storyline is complex and very compelling. Modality by dirtymudblood https://archiveofourown.org/works/24338455/chapters/58685269, Draco gets into a terrible accident while on a Auror assignment and Hermione is his rehabilitation therapist. Harry patted her shoulder and left her to put up her cauldron. The dynamic is present nevertheless, and it is well-written with a solid structure and plot. He landed in a lifeless heap, his face contorted with pain and one hand fisted in the robes around his heart. Love writing? Struggling with the aftermath of the war, Hermione Granger scratches at old wounds and turns to reckless endeavors to stay alive. Harry is absolutely no help but learns a lot about floriography, stupid purebloods, and Draco. "Are you okay, love? and is ready to fuck shit up for everyone. Press J to jump to the feed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Draco Takes A Slave Aveline19 Summary: A cruel pureblood takes advantage of an opportunity. Crookshanks brings Draco to Hermione after she's brought back cursed from the Department of Mysteries. basically hermione is either struggling mentally or physically (or both) and draco either ends up having to take care of her or chooses to take care of her. Hermione has trouble keeping herself afloat and managing all aspects of her life. Severina had nothing left when she was ready to throw herself away and join the dark side, but an old 'friend' of hers reaches out to her for aid interfering with these plans, and opening a door to another life. Hermione and Dean are assigned to keep tabs on Draco and end up in some funny situations. Harry Potter n'est pas celui auquel on s'attend. What happens when a sertant blonde gets rescued by 'scar boy' Work Search: :3 Creyendo que muri en la batalla, Harry se resigna a una vida de dolor y luto. Hysteria by lady_of_clunn, its a really dark fic, if you heard about how women were mistreated because of getting diagnosed with hysteria, then you can kind of imagine what will happen to Hermione, but mind the tags. "I'm trying!" she replied. 5 times Hermione and Draco think they hate each other and 1 time they know they love each other. Narcissa guided by the Goddess with do everything in her power to help a boy who has been misguided his entire life. At a castle in Scotland, an old man rested easily, not knowing that all his plans were about to be torn to pieces. Hermione falls asleep in the library way too often and just wants to avoid Draco Malfoy. Trying to get on with her life, she keeps seeing Malfoy in strange places. Severus Snape & Harry Potter & Katheren B. James Potter & Harry Potter & Katheren B. Though a Usurper has other intention. He'll do things differently this time. orHarry is still a horcrux and is on his way to help slightly insane Voldemort, Malfoys take him under their wing and help him deal with the results of abuse, and he's a vicious little shit who is also furious for being potioned into submission.Loads of sarcasm. Had he actually left, or was Harry imagining things? Avada Kedavra Due parole e tutto finisce.Basta un attimo e tutto termina.Ma ci sono altri modi per morire, pens Draco. Magic and Collapse By: marseldagistani. This story does have explicit content but it is mainly an incredible story that is very much worth reading! Before she finally surrendered to sleep she said, "Thanks Draco." "Anytime dear," he said. And although this probably couldnt ever happen in the official Harry Potter canon, many fanfic authors have written about this romance. No mere word to explain their relationship. Hermione never expected to find solace after the war.She definitely never expected to find solace in Draco Malfoy.But somehow, she did. In this story, Voldemort has won the final battle, and Harry Potter is defeated. love this article! Hermione returns for 8th year without Ron and Harry. And this might even turn into something more! The consequences of which change Hermione Granger's life forever and set Draco on the path of fulfilling a family tradition during their 8th year. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Without giving too much away, Ill simplify it to this: they both find out that they might need and want each other more than they ever thought they would. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But there she comes across a Draco she has never seen before. Notes: Read the tags. Not my story. Dramione After the war 94 pages Completed July 7, 2012 Sophieee Weasley Harry Potter | Short Stories Hermionie has a daughter, Draco has a son. He can't handle everything going on and isolates himself, which only further draws out bad memories. Or, the fic I always wanted to read, but none ever had all the right components. Sweetly broken. "Harry! Draconian by hepburnettes. Though its not as popular as some of the other Dramione fanfiction on this list (with only about 89,000 hits), its still one of my favorites! Unfortunately, no one else has any idea, either. In The Forest Of Dean has several instances of either Harry or Hermione getting injured and the other caring for them in fact, arguably, Hermione getting injured is what kick-starts the change in their relationship. Harry ama tener un alma gemela, pero despus de sacrificarse para salvar al mundo mgico es incapaz de escuchar a su alma gemela de nuevo. I read one recently where he was on a sort of magical house arrest at her flat - he learned how to cook the muggle way, then made her lunches and dinners while she worked long hours. Since the wizarding world has no way of dealing with such disability, he never goes to Hogwarts but instead learns to manipulate magic in his own way. Draco is concerned, though he refuses to admit it and attempts to do anything he can to help the Savior. A sickening thud echoed through the room as Snape hit the stone ground. The final two were wide awake, staring at each other in the darkness, the only ones to feel that something was coming. But when Harry begins his fourth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft & Wizardry, he starts to notice things. 132 Kudos: 314 Bookmarks: 69 Hits: 9957 Harry Potter Twitter Microfics by Keira_63 (Or, a bog-standard Snupin raise Harry thing, but in Cokeworth, and Dudley is there, too.). A Child of Prophecy is born to pearents deceased. All art in sidebar belongs to Arishatistic, Hastyhand, and Jabulous. Hermione nodded. Language: English Words: 2,347 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: Do you want Father to sue the train?". This story is part three of the Rights and Wrongs series. However she's changed a lot, accompa. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They both need a change, and both decide to go to the same muggle coffee shop. With that plan out of the way, there's only one option left. He wished he hadn't. And Hermione is faced with a decision that could change her life forever. Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, This Contains Way More Feels Than I Expected, Dementors Are Assholes With No Consideration, except its worse bc i dont write that often, For once the Golden Girl didnt know what to do, past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley - Relationship, Avada Kedavra | Killing Curse (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger. This spurs a series of events ending in Harry finding his own way to Diagon. Something's not right. As I went to apparate to St. Mungos the pain in my side increased. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/17791060?view_adult=true. The war is over, but it feels like it isn't. But she had nothing to end it with. One thing for sure, he will have no mercy. Long ago buried. Instead of staying at Burrow, she stays with Remus at Grimmauld place. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Self rec, https://archiveofourown.org/works/30318162/chapters/74730492. His concern and reaction to it cause an interesting story to unfold. Is this a sign? babydraco # 6 drarry cglre by lol 101K 1.9K 17 Harry is a caregiver, deciding he liked the idea of taking care of someone. Remain Nameless has 51 chapters and a massive amount of hits at over 770,000. I mean you actually fainted?" His world wasnt conducive to having it all. Press J to jump to the feed. It was very soft and fluffy and they were a cute lil family for the holidays. The Auction has 41 chapters and over 1.3 million hits! She helps Draco soothe his teething son and invites him over so she can give him some ointment to help him with his teething. 5 times Hermione and Draco think they hate each other and 1 time they know they love each other. Its important to note that the writer has given a trigger warning for violent deaths, rape, and references to torture. A Primer for Small Weird Love - unicornesque (A bit different, seeing as Draco here was born and raised in France, never tainted by Lucius's ideology. Like Until the Ink Runs Dry, this one is shorter than most of the other ones on this list. Can the young couple possibly survive this particular happily ever after? OR Harry moves to Hogwarts much later, by this point, Draco Malfoy has already taken his position as an iron-fisted leader of the school. Part 1 of Amazing love: the Alternate life language: English Words: 31,229 Chapters 15. And final year at Hogwarts and pretty much fits in seamlessly with the aftermath the! Enviado a la mansin Malfoy para fungir como enfermero para Draco Malfoy a toddler and! Shit up for everyone future Draco is alpha daddy5000 9999.999999/10000 Trashy plot but entertaining nonetheless makes daily visits to in... 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